One of the most important problems encountered in transplantation; immunological incompatibility between patient and donor. For the prevention or reduction of such reactions, TISSUE LABORATORIES have been established in order to test the tests between the receiver and the transmitter. Tests conducted in these laboratories were HLA tissue compliance between the patient and their donor candidates, and donor specific lymphocyte cross-match tests and nonspecific panel reactive antibody tests.
1.HLA Tissue Group Compliance
HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) has an important role in transplantation because of its role in non-self recognition. The HLA gene region is one of the most polymorphic regions on the short arm of the 6th chromosome in the human. Today, serological and molecular methods are used for the determination of HLA alleles. Today, PCR-based, fast and repeatable molecular methods are most commonly used.
1.Lymphocyte Cross-Match Tests
Lymphocyte cross-match tests, complement-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (CDC) and flow cytometric cross-match (FCXM) method should be studied with at least two methods.
•2 a. CDC Cross-Match method
By CDC method, donor-specific antibodies can be detected prior to transplantation. In this method, the recipient serum and the donor lymphocytes are co-incubated in the troughs in the Terasaki Plate and rabbit complement is added to the medium. If there is antibody to HLA antigens of the recipient in the serum, the antigen-antibody combination activates the complement, the lymphocytes die and the result is determined as positive. In this case, the mismatch between the transceiver is mentioned. The CDC cross-match test is now a gold-standard technique for detecting antibodies that cause hyperacute rejection.
• 2b. Flow Cytometry Cross-Match method
In the FCXM method, when the patient serum is reacted with the suspended donor cells, we can detect it using a labeled antibody if the donor-specific antibody is present. In this case flow cytometric cross-match is called positive and is considered as a significant risk factor for early graft destruction.
1.Panel Reactive Antibody (PRA) Tests
The patient's blood is nonspecific anti-HLA antibodies. Causes of occurrence of these antibodies in the patient; blood transfusions, pregnancies and previous transplants. Whether or not panel reactive antibodies are formed, and against which antigens are formed are detected by various methods.
Laboratory Workers:
Doku Tipleme Laboratuvar Sorumlusu: Prof. Dr. Gülbu IŞITMANGİL
Tıbbi Biyolog: