and tobacco addiction has become an important public health problem in
our country as well as all over the world, with advertisements and
encouraging propaganda carried out even after the damages caused by
smoking in the last century, and as a result of the highly successful
policies carried out by the Ministry of Health, continues. Our
smoking polyclinics have started to serve as a part of the Family
Medicine Clinic at the policlinic of Yeldeğirmeni District which is in
our hospital and on 1 May 2018 at Validebağ Additional Service Building
and at Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Polyclinic Building on 1 September
can call Alo 171 Cigarette Cessation Hotline on smoking and tobacco
addiction and get detailed information if you decide to fight with your
non-tobacco addiction and call the Central Hospital Appointment System
no. 182 to make an appointment to our hospital Cessation Cessation
outpatient clinics.
two outpatient clinics are provided in every outpatient clinic, and
after detailed evaluations, we try to provide support and guidance to
you through psychosocial support and drug therapies.
Doctor:Doç. Dr. Zeynep Tuzcular Vural
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Memet Taşkın Egici
Uzm. Dr. Özge Doğan
Uzm. Dr. Işık Gönenç