Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

Our Ear, Nose and Throat clinic, service and emergency patients are available 24 hours a day. The disease is being studied by providing a reliable and qualified service and contributing to the medical literature. Endoscopic and open surgical applications, endoscopic and microscopic operations, as well as special operations related to the anterior skull base, head and neck cancers are performed on three general masks every day in the operating room in our clinic.

Unlimited services are provided every day in a total of 7 outpatient clinics, 5 outpatient clinics located in the outpatient clinic and 2 outpatient clinics. Our hospital has an operating room with a 19-bed service and 3 general rooms on the 2nd floor. Two audiometry devices, tympanometry and BERA are used to evaluate hearing. Laryngeal microsurgery with flexible laryngoscopy and patients with treatment and vestibular evaluation and vertigo treatment are routinely performed.

Our Unit:

5 outpatient clinics

17 service beds, 2 private rooms

1 dressing and intervention room

1 endoscopy room (Policlinic)

1 microscope and intervention room (outpatient clinic)

2 audiometry rooms

Education and Administration Responsible:

Associate Professor. Sema Zer Toros

Our Education Officers:

Assoc. Prof.Dr.Ayşegül Verim

Associate Professor. Çiğdem Tepe Karaca (Başasistan)

Op Lütfü Şeneldir (Başasistan)

Our Specialist Doctors:

Op Önder İhvan

Op Fatma Gülüm Ivgin Bayraktar

Op Emre Gürkan

Op.Dr.Ömer Çağatay Ertugay

Op Taner Özdemir

Op Özgür Karameşe

Op Nihal Alkan Taşçı

Op.Dr.Gokce Tanyeri Toker

Our assistant doctors:

Dr Senan Muradov

Dr Sinan Celep

Dr Veysel Alpaslan Gölcük

Dr Mustafa Nuhut

Dr Perçin Serhat Yergin

Dr Selim Kul

Dr Call Becerik

Dr Uğur Dinçer

Our ENT clinic has an average of 7500 outpatients per month and 350 patients are operated on.

The main operations performed in our clinic are:

All Head and Neck Cancer Surgery surgeries and flap reconstructions,

Endoscopic Head Surgery Tumor Surgery Operations,

Endoscopic sinus surgery, CSF fistula operations,

Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy operations,

Microscopic larynx benign diseases surgeon,

Ear microsurgery and otoplasty, aesthetic surgery,

Facial and nasal aesthetic operations,

Related to Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; tonsil adenoids, tube surgery for congenital cyst and serous otitis surgery,

Salivary gland surgery,

Thyroid malignancy and benign diseases surgery,

In addition, other procedures in the ENT Clinic

Flexible laryngoscopy

Nerve Neuromonitorisation

Vestibular Maneuvers